What did CivicLex do in 2023?

This week we were pleased to release our 2023 Annual Report! Last year was a big one for us at CivicLex! We celebrated our 5 year anniversary, invested deeply in organizational sustainability, and arrived at a new understanding of our work (more on that soon). We also did a lot programmatically. We launched a K12 Civic Education program, facilitated public engagement to improve one of the most dangerous roads in Lexington, were featured in national and international publications, and helped seed civic health organizations across the country.

Here are a few quick numbers from the report, which you can read in full here.
- We reached 133,059 residents across our website, newsletter, in person events, and radio - one out of every 3 Lexingtonians!

- We hosted 114 in person events bringing together over 4,800 residents

- We covered 670 hours of city hall meetings

- We partnered with 97 community organizations on events, workshops, and more

As always, if you feel so inclined to support our work to strengthen civic health in Lexington, you can do so at civiclex.org/donate.


We’re hosting Vanguard, y’all